Monday, December 16, 2013

Cuts to Veteran Benefits

"unacceptable" lawmakers battle military retiree cuts ahead of major budget vote by:
December 16 2013
The government is planing to cut funds to veterans and retired military personnel by about 6 billion dollars over the next 10 years. The democrats are in favor of the bill and are trying to gain a majority vote in the coming senate hearing but the republicans are trying to stop the bill saying "it is unacceptable to sinlge out our men and women in uniform in this way". These cuts will affect the housing budgets for the people under 62 years old, I think that these cuts are unnecessary and won't help, it is a very small part of our budget and the money means much more to the people that it is being taken from more then those that it is being given to.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Strike to raise minimum wage

Hundreds of fast food workers strike over minimum wage, by: Tiffany Hsu july 29, 2013

Hundreds of fast food workers from around the country band together to organize strikes that want to raise the minimum wage from $7.50 to $15. They have started strikes in New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Mo., and Flint, MI. Recently people have intensified their efforts to raise the federal minimum wage. However this raise in wages may end up having negative consequences for the employees since companies may then switch from human labor to automated ordering systems. I think that raising the minimum wage will be bad for the economy since it will cause companies to hire fewer people and cause more poverty.,0,1355524.story#ixzz2mdRZ5zGT

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Microsoft to take over Nokia headquaters

Microsoft to take over Nokia's iconic headquarters next year by: PTI nov. 21, 2013 the economic times

Microsoft will be taking over Nokia's headquarters by march in 2014, this will cause Nokia to reallocate their employees to another facility and will open up more job opportunities in the tech market. By doing this microsoft will be taking the deal for the building from another real estate company, this is part of Nokia's plan to get out of the hole that Apple and Samsung have dug for them in the cell phone business. I think that doing this will be good for the economy because it will hopefully make the cell phone market much more competitive and help get the best prices for consumers.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Google glasses

Google glasses - wearable technology and its impact on business by: Tim Bennett Sept. 3 2013

This article talks about the new glasses that Google is making, it talks about the ways that different companies will be able to use it so that their operations will be more efficient. It also tells about how this new technology will help consumers by letting them compare products and prices easily while they are shopping. I think that these glasses can have a relatively large impact on the economy because they can help companies by making their operations more efficient, they can help consumers find the best prices and they will provide competition for smartphones and laptops by offering a small device that has the same capabilities as a laptop.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Brazil and the Olympics

Will Brazil be left counting the cost of the World cup and the Olympics by: Johnathan Watts, Theguardian June 11 2013

The coming of the Olympics and the world cup are two very large expenditures for Brazil's government as they try to prepare for these large international events, but can they help the economy? By bringing the world spotlight to rest on Brazil, the country expects their economy to be able to take advantage of this, they hope that it will help by accelerating investments in infrastructure and lifting their governance and local businesses to an international level. However their plans may be short lived since they are building these large stadiums for a single use and the cost of the setup is predicted to be between 13.5 billion and 18 billion dollars and their only source of compensation will be from tourism which is expected to only recoup a fraction of the cost. I think that they shouldn't spend so much money on these events because it wont bring that much attention to the country and it will have a negative effect on the people who will have to be relocated and have their lives disrupted.

Friday, October 11, 2013

reimbursement cuts to doctors

Matthew Rushing

How insurance exchanges will affect doctor's incomes
by: Leigh Page July 10 2013

Due to the new "affordable care act" doctors may face substantial cuts in their pay checks. Since the ACA passed doctors must now accept new patients and exchange patients, by doing this  doctors lose 30%-40% for reimbursement from the insurance companies that they work with now. I think that cutting the pay of doctors is not right, doctors now have to deal with more paperwork per patient and they are facing pay cuts. I think that it is not right that our doctors who work hard and save and change lives every day should have to face pay cuts on 30%-40%, let me know what you think.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Effects of the government shutdown

The economic consequences of the government shutdown by: Matthew O'Brien oct. 2 2013 the Atlantic

The consequences of this government shutdown may not be large but they are definitely larger than we think, right now the direct consequences are mainly felt by the government workers who have been put into a state of furlough which cuts down on the GDP by .15 percent to .2 percent. The government may not pay the government workers on furlough back pay which may result in a more drastic affect on their individual households. I think that this whole government shutdown is bad for the economy and it is unfair to the unessential government workers because our government should have passed a budget and now the workers are suffering due to the governments mistakes.
Matthew Rushing